Back Then CTS Financial Group (CTS) was founded in 1972 by Todd W. Much and initially specialized in individual tax preparation for executives and professionals, primarily in the advertising and marketing industries.
Over time, services for individuals were expanded to include personal financial planning, retirement planning, investment planning, insurance planning and asset management. In 1985, CTS registered with the SEC as a Registered Investment Adviser. Since then, the growth of our investment business has been phenomenal.
Today Today, our broadened scope of financial services has evolved primarily in response to our own clients' demands. We take great pride in knowing that our growth is rooted in the success of our clients... and their subsequent need for additional advice and knowledgeable straight talk regarding their finances.
Tomorrow Tomorrow is full of promise, a day filled with opportunity to achieve something you haven't quite managed to accomplish yesterday or today. Tomorrow is a starting point. A clean slate. A do-over. Tomorrow is an excellent day to contact CTS Financial Group... unless of course there's still time to get it done today.